Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So what. I love Christmas.

Seriously, I really really do! It brings back such awesome memories for as long as I can remember and I refuse to let the joy of this season be overrun with talks of black Friday's, shopping fiascoes or what the hell you're getting that random dude.

I. Don't. Care.

It's lights, it's singing, it's tacky shit everywhere and nowhere at the same time! Trees and shapes and food and candy come out with good will toward your fellow man! It's too many memories for one person to ever be able to express.

I fucking love Christmas-Merry Christmas, bitches :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Honey, you ain't in Kansas anymore.

As I sit out on my urban patio with a cup of freshly ground coffee (with powdered creamer-ugh), I cannot help but remember the terrible news I received yesterday. A young woman in which I played basketball with and ran track with in high school was murdered, along with her mother and step-father.

I don't need to remind you of where I'm from, but this shit just does NOT happen in our quaint little town. Especially to good people such as the Davis'. Chante was always so bubbly and ready to give a laugh...unless we were crossing a bridge. She was always afraid of bridges.

Murdered. I still can't wrap my head around it.

There was also another murder close to me in which my co-worker's sister/daughter was shot just a few blocks away from where I work. All of this loss has really got me wondering-What the hell is it all for? Why do people feel they are allowed to take another life? It positively disgusts me.

There is something wrong with the world today, and I pray that it eases. I know it's a big, bad nasty world out there, but shouldn't we unite? Rise up together as one? With different beliefs and cultures, I feel the tension, but is this world really getting this malicious?


In closing, I pray for all of you, wish you well and hope that you take each day as a blessing, because until we learn to love our neighbor, we're in for one big shit storm of hurt.

Whatever you believe-I have faith in humanity, still. I know that we can make a difference instead of turning a blind eye or letting biases rule our minds. It's got to stop. Good luck out there, peeps.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh how the tables have turned!

Holy frijoles, batman! Today has turned into a really ridiculous day! I mean, it just flip-flopped on me out of nowhere!

I know, I know, I swore I wouldn't talk about work, but this just has to get out before I go loopy!

Structural changes in my company.

Okay, that's all I had to say, so moving on to how this is "NOT" affecting me...

It could have been me. It seriously could have been me. If I had done "what I was SUPPOSED" to do and followed the ladder all the way to the very tippy top...it would have been me.

Instead, I watch friends walk away from all they've truly known and go home to their families to break the news and pick up the pieces. It's not fair, but I'm glad it wasn't me. If it had to be someone, I'm glad it wasn't me. And there's no shame in my game.

Sometimes I think I'm too smart for my own good. Here I sit typing away while my sweet, adorable boyfriend asks "You writing another blog?" I respond quickly with, "yes, and by the way, I really pride myself on being able to spell, well." (Watch-spell check is going to fail me...on this one.)

And I do pride myself on my intelligence and strength that I am able to retain after all these years of being on this Earth with all of these external factors distracting me, but is it for nothing? No, I can't think that...it's not possible. The mind is a beautiful thing and I like to think mine has gotten me through a lot more than my heart ever would've. My heart has always said "Go, go my sweet into the strange unknown and become what you are meant to be", while my mind says, "No, no my broke college grad, keep that job and pay off your student loans so that you, Sean and the dog may live a normal life alongside your fellow countrymen."


But, it's the truth. And I'm okay with that.


P.S.-I almost spelled would like wood. How's that for some shiraz while typing? Ha-thought I'd let you know I'm not perfect.

Monday, January 24, 2011

When the going gets tough...

I'm painting. More than I have in a while and I'm very proud of what I'm producing considering I haven't really marveled at anything as of late. It's beginning to become more apparent that the only way anyone is going to know how creative I am is if I show them, well, how creative I am!

Canvas is tough. It's so blank and dismal when you start out that you're bound to throw anything on there just to make it look even a smidge better than just stark white. That's what I like about painting on canvas, you can almost never mess up with the first swipe of the brush because, it always looks better than it just did. Ahh, that could be a super sweet quote one day! Ha!

I'm growing up. I turn 27 next month and though I don't care about the getting older part, I'm starting to wonder where the time went. Like, where the hell did it go? Growing up is tough.

We have our 10 year high school reunion next fall. WTF? Jesus, I barely go home as it is and now I'm realizing that I've completely lost touch with the people I grew up with. I look at pictures on Facebook and I see all the old cliques hanging out and getting married and being "oh so ga ga" over each other still. I didn't move back home. I left Madison (not too far) and came to the closest city that wasn't Charlottesville to get a better grasp on reality. It worked, for the most part since i don't know what the hell reality is anymore. Do I watch it on TV...or do I live it? Yea, I'll go with the latter.

So, that's what's new in my nutshell-life. I don't want to talk about work. Mainly because, I'm not sure of our social networking policies anymore, but also because, work is work. And life is everything else. I refuse to live for my job. I live for my family, my friends, my amazing boyfriend and our dog. Oh, and gardening, beaches, surfing, swimming and all-around warm weather activities.


P.S.- Yes, brushing up on that Italian minor!-Tough.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rain down on me...

fa la la la la fall on me.

It's that time again, time for Summer to go on vacay and for Fall to slip straight through our fingertips and let Winter just up and roll in without even the slightest warning chill.

Time to put the sandals away, get the coats out and plant some Pansies. Side note: they really shouldn't be called Pansies...they are seriously hardy. Love them.

Why do all good things come to an end? Seriously. Why? I think it's so we don't get too comfy where we're at. It happens all the time...ugh. SO (buttons, ha!) now we are onto a completely different climate for the next few months here and I'm predicting...RAIN!

Actually, the Weather Channel predicts rain, but my money's still on them...and the Farmer's Almanac. Ooh! Interesting-I schooled another guy at work on the fact that I am NOT a city girl.

Hilarious! Everyone thinks my hometown is in Northern VA and they are very surprised to know that as a matter of fact, it is NOT up there. WHEW!

At any rate, this guy couldn't believe the stories I was telling him about my childhood in the rolling hills of my home place. Well, I think once my "I just talked to my mama" accent broke down my "city accent" and we both agreed it's impossible to find a good seed for corn nowadays, he got it. He's cool too...he sounds like Hank on "King of the Hill".

My mom just had a crazy surgery that I was really worried about, but she's such a TROOPER! And really funny on painkillers...just saying...she was talking some crazy, funny stuff! Loves her bunches and bunches :).

It's also my best friend's birfday this Monday. SO (oats, YES!), we will be able to kick it this WEEKEND since my trip home has been delayed yet another WEEKEND.

I think it's going to be fun.

And I'm usually right about these things.

I'm feeling very thankful here and now. It may be the fact that, as retail goes, we have already started setting up Christmas decor and I've already started thinking about my family. See, Christmas has always been about the spirit and not the running around bit for us. Of course, we give and receive stuff, but we have our own traditions that I just LOVE! Such as, waking up and opening presents at 12:01 a.m. Christmas morning and pulling Christmas Crackers during dinner or all the good food everyone makes! Either way you sling it, it is awwwshuuum and I feel awesome. You're all awesome. (Jimmie Dean, anyone?)

I think I may have another blog left in me...maybe another time. Nite!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Country roads...

take me home...to the place, I belong.

Sitting here in my parents living room with the dog snoozing on the chair and my granddad scuffling around the house makes me wonder why I ever left.

Then I remember that now I have my own sweet pad with a dog snoozing on the floor and a boyfriend scuffling around the house...just no gramps or parents. It's strange how we grow up and get older and get new tastes for old flavors that bring that flood of nostalgia you hate, but also think about when you're all alone thinking about...stuff.

My parents have taken my sister to perform in a concert with her school and this morning I woke up and walked with the dog around their garden. Garden, is an understatement...they've got some serious wildlife up in here. Oh, and I woke up before the rooster today. Boo ya...in your FACE, cock-a-doodle-doo. As I was walking around contemplating which plants to take cuttings from to start in my urban, pot-filled (I'm talkin' terra cotta, folks) patio I realize how I took this peace and quiet for granted. I mean, seriously for granted.

Not that Richmond City is the loudest or wildest place to live...it's just we don't have bunnies running from the vegetable garden or frogs jumping into ponds when they hear you coming. No, we just hear sirens, cars with exhausts that are totally compensating for something and car doors. Slamming. Do we not know how to close a door? Must we always pull the old Aimee Elmer and slam that thing like it's your...

Yea, that's enough of that. All I really wanted to say is that being home is always refreshing for me and I'll never regret living here my young life and being able to come back anytime I choose. Those of you that didn't have the opportunity to grow up in a small town that allowed you bare feet 99% of the time or Prom Queen status...I'm sorry. Go rent a cottage in the mountains back here for a week and call me when you're back in town. It's totally worth smelling the honeysuckle and hearing the babbling creek.

Yes, it babbles...no joke.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The bright side...

is that I haven't blown my brains out yet.

What? You're thinking, "Oh you can't handle it, you're not strong enough to handle life. You don't deserve it." If you are thinking that, blow me; if you aren't, thanks for letting me vent for a second.

I could never take my own life just because said life isn't going exactly as planned or I'm not crossing off all those things I wanted to do by the age of 25 (I'll be 26 in February). It's just, in the words of my very good friend, "A big bad world out there" and frankly, it doesn't like us very much.

I have my health, I have a roof over my head, a man that loves me (despite my perfections) and a somewhat reliable car to get me to work safely. I'm not saying that life's ALL bad, it's just not good enough yet. I want to be able to have my own home, a newer car and I can only get that by getting a better job. I could do it now if the Federal government wasn't asking me for money every month, but the fact of that matter is I invested in myself and I'm not seeing a big enough return on my investment.

Of course things could be worse, they could ALWAYS be worse. That's just a ploy probably invented by the government to make the lesser folk feel better about where they are in life. I am happy though. I admit it, I can be happy, go figure.

I have a wonderful family, lovely friends and a dog that I hope outlives me. So, whether or not I'm making the kind of money I want to be making or even doing whatever it is I want to be doing, at least I'm living.